
Pressing shop


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Press shop

Pressed components
are our specialty. ↘

Whether it involves the processing of sheets of common grades of steel, stainless steel (ferritic and austenitic) or sheets of non-ferrous metals, nothing is a problem for us. Sheet-metal pressing, especially custom moulding, is our daily bread.

The pressing shop in Nový Jičín possesses modern production equipment that is able to process materials ranging in thickness from 0.6 mm to 5.0 mm inclusive. We offer our customers production of pressed parts on transfer presses ranging from 2,000 kN to 10,000 kN. In addition to that, we can press parts on manual-feed presses with tonnages from 1,000 kN to 5,000 kN.

Economical and efficient production depends on equipping all of our presses with advanced control systems that enable rapid tool adjustment and setup of the press manufacturing process in order to ensure the first-class quality of parts and safe protection of the tools.

We operate on our presses a full range of dies that we developed and manufactured in our own tool shop. Therefore, we can fulfil our customers’ requirements quickly, efficiently and at competitive prices. Simulation and, of course, design of dies, tools and even prototypes in the area of sheet-metal forming do not present a problem for us.

We have results.
They look like this, for example:


First-class quality
is of key importance for us.

We always fully throw ourselves into our work with enthusiasm – and it doesn’t matter how complicated the problem we are facing may be. We are well aware that quality is the most important criterion in our field.


Do you need advice? +420 556 764 720